Friday, June 21, 2013

Query letters net one nibble

Well, in order to garner representation by a literary agent, a writer must submit query letters to agents who deal in the particular genre you are writing: for me, that is fantasy.

There are a host of agents, most of which are based in the Big Apple, and I have begun this tedious process.

The first step is to construct the best query possible. It must be brief and be able to 'hook' the agent with the premise sufficiently that the agent requests more. I think I have done this adequately. I received a request from an agent who wanted to see a bit more of my manuscript.

Happily, I submitted the asked for pages and sat back to wait...patiently. After two weeks I got a reply: "sorry, not for me."

Oh well; I 'm glad I submitted to more than one agent. The process takes time and I have all the time it takes. I am busy writing Part II of the story and will keep you all informed on what happens next.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Quest-Part I: The Road to Falsbad is an e-book now

As of today, there is an e-book of Quest available on for download to your Kindle or Kindle app on your iPad or PC.

I am excited and hopeful that the reception for this latest book is favorable. From the early reviews it appears that my fans approve. Let's hope so. It would not hurt my feelings for the book to become popular.

That fate lies with you, dear reader. Spread the word.